
Thursday 3 October 2013


          Interfaces can be defined as blueprints used to support complete abstraction in Java. Using interfaces you can completely abstract a class. The syntax of interfaces is similar to that of classes, but interfaces will not have instance variables and they contain only abstract methods. An interface can be used by any number of classes. The interfaces support polymorphism principle of Java. One class can implement any number of interfaces. 

          General Form below shows, How to create Interfaces?

                access-specifiers interface NameOfInterface {
                            data-type variable1=value;
                            data-type variable2=value;
                            data-type variable=value;
                            type MethodName1(parameter-list);
                           type MethodName2(parameter-list);
                          Type MethodNameN(parameter-list);

            In the above general form you can see, the interface keyword after the access-specifier and before the interface-name. The variables are both declared and initialized. The initializing of interface variables is must because these variables are implicitly final and static. The methods defined inside any interface will be abstract method. The concrete methods are not allowed.

Rules to keep in mind when creating an Interface: 

1.     The interface can have only public or default access specifier. 

2.     The variables declared inside any Interface will be implicitly final and static. These variables must be initialized after declaration. 

3.     Interfaces will only contain abstract methods. They cannot contain concrete methods.

4.     All the methods and variables of any interface are implicitly public.

Implementation of Interface by a Class: 

           In the below syntax you can see how a class can implement interfaces. The implements keyword is used to include an interface by a class. 

             class ClassName [extends superclass][implements interface1[,interface2…]] {
                         //body of class

Rules to follow when implementing an Interface by any class: 

1.     Any class that implements an Interface must implement all the methods that are defined by the interface.

2.     If a class implements more than one interfaces than the interfaces are separated with comma. You can refer the above general syntax.

3.     The methods that are implementing methods defined in an interface must be declared public.

4.     The implementing methods must have the same type signatures as that of the methods defined by the interface. 

Note: You cannot create an object of type Interface. But it is possible to create reference variables for an Interface which can hold the references of the objects which implements it.

           The below simple example program shows how to create and use an Interface. 

package blog.Interface.example;

public interface SampleInterface
   int a=10;
   int b=20;// interface variables are by default final and static.
   int addmethod(int x,int y);
   void callMeMethod();

package blog.Interface.example;

public class SampleInterfaceClass implements SampleInterface
  int intfVar1=a;
  int intfVar2=b;
            public int addmethod(int x, int y)
                System.out.println("Am addmethod defined by Interface");
                        return x+y;
    public void callMeMethod()
                        System.out.println("Am callMeMethod defined by interface");
    void amConcreteMethod()// concrete are legal.
            System.out.println("Am concrete method in a class that implements inteface");
            System.out.println("value of Interface variable 'a' "+intfVar1);
            System.out.println("value of Interface variable 'b' "+intfVar2);

 package blog.Interface.example;

public class SampleInterfaceDemo
   public static void main(String[] args)
              SampleInterfaceClass sic=new SampleInterfaceClass();
              int sum=sic.addmethod(10, 20);
              System.out.println("sum(x,y)= "+sum);
              sic.amConcreteMethod();//calling concrete method of SampleIntefaceClass.

Am addmethod defined by Interface
sum(x,y)= 30

Am callMeMethod defined by interface

Am concrete method in a class that implements inteface
value of Interface variable 'a' 10
value of Interface variable 'b' 20

Note: In a situation where a class implements Interface and its does not overrides all the methods defined by the Interface then such a class must be declared abstract.

package blog.Interface.example;

public abstract class SamplePartialInterface implements SampleInterface
   int a, b;// variables of class
            public void callMeMethod()
                        System.out.println("only callMethod is called and addmethod is not called");
                        System.out.println("Make this call abstract");

            In the above example you can see the class ‘SamplePartialInterface’ implements only one method from the above interface ‘SampleInterface’. In such case implementing class must be declared as abstract.

Nested Interfaces: 

           An interface can be declared inside a class or within another interface. Such interfaces are called as nested Interfaces. A nested interface can be modified using access specifiers, public, private and protected.

          In the below example program you can see the use of nested interface

package blog.Interface.example;

public class X
   int x; // variable of class X
   public interface NestInf
               void NestInfMethod();

package blog.Interface.example;

public class Y implements X.NestInf
   public void NestInfMethod()
     System.out.println("Am method from Nested Interface in class X");
   public static void main(String[] args)
             X.NestInf nestInf=new Y();

Am method from Nested Interface in class X.

Interfaces can inherit each other:

             One interface can inherit another interface in the same way as one class inherit the other class by using extends keyword. 

           Consider below code fragment shows, the Interface Y inherits interface X. 

package blog.Interface.example;

public interface X
  void my1();
  void my2();
package blog.Interface.example;

public interface Y extends X
  void myY1();
  void myY2();

Note: If a class implements an interface that has inherited another interface then the class must provide implementations to all the methods defined within the interface inheritance chain.